Loch Etive near Glen Etive, UK

Loch Etive near Glen Etive, UK

This loch, and the glen leading up to it, are said to be named in honour of a Gaelic goddess whose name translates to "little fierce one". The surroundings in our image certainly look a bit austere, but Loch Etive has many moods. Along with parts of its shore in western Scotland, castle ruins add a melancholy touch – notably Dunstaffnage Castle, whose stones have sat by the mouth of the loch for 800 years. Other points along Etive's nearly 40-kilometre-long shore lend breathtaking views of heather-clad mountains or the charming sight of the circa-1903 Connel Bridge, once a railway crossing and now dedicated to cars and foot traffic. Perhaps the most surprising and whimsical feature of Loch Etive is its playful population of harbour seals.
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